The global pandemic has truly disrupted Businesses, Work, School & Skateboarding Events. With the inability to use an Indoor Skateboard Facility for a big event (for good reason) we had to think on our toes and come up with a big solution. We settled on Longacres DIY Skatepark in Renton, Wa for our inaugural event since it is the right size and covered enough when it rains. A skateboard event in December might sound like a terrible time to host an event in The Pacific Northwest due to rain and you wouldn’t be wrong, however, we found this to be the perfect time to throw an event and here’s why; In the Summer there seems to be an endless amount of events to compete with, people are out of town, on vacation, etc. With limited events to compete with people are itching for something to do and we were happy to have SantaCon be the cure. It also helped that we gave away bundles of cold hard cash. With such a great turnout this will definitely not be the last event we host. Big shout out to Pops Skateshop up in Everett for providing us with goods from their shop (Skateboards, Wheels, etc.) & Best Skate Co for the Skateboards & Soft Goods. Be on the lookout for more events and a bigger list of sponsors for future Double Set Events! Until then, checkout the recap from the event!